agCensus Website Privacy Notice

About this notice

This privacy notice provides information about how EDINA and the University of Edinburgh collects and uses your personal information in relation to your enquiry about agCensus data.

About you

This privacy notice uses “you” to mean any individual about whom we collect and hold personal data.

What information might we collect about you?

We collect, store and use the following categories of personal data:

How is your personal data collected?

You give us your personal data when you complete the enquiry form online at, when we take a payment from you, respond to an email relating to an enquiry etc. You give us your consent to store and process this information in order for us to respond to your enquiry and to supply any service or data you purchase.

As a visitor to we record your IP address, we do this so that we can monitor user engagement with our website.

How will we use the information about you?

The information you provide to agCensus will be used by EDINA and the University of Edinburgh to:

We will not share your information with any third parties.

#Data Retention Your personal data will be stored in our Customer Relationship Management system for two years following our last correspondence with you. Your name and email address will be held in our call management system for at least seven years. The full privacy notice and data retention policy for our call management system can be found here: [] (

We will hold the personal data you provided to us in our customer relationship management database for two years following our last correspondence with you.

We will hold the personal data you provided to us in our call management system for no less than 7 years in accordance with the Privacy Notice applicable to the call management system: Call management system privacy notice

We will hold IP address information for five years from the date of visit.

If you have any questions, please contact the EDINA helpdesk on or 0131 650 3302. You can also write to us at: EDINA, University of Edinburgh, Floor F East, Argyle House, 3 Lady Lawson Street, Edinburgh, EH3 9DR.

This privacy notice is continued: Continued privacy notice
You can see our cookies policy here: EDINA cookies policy